Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The World Is Becoming Different To Us Old Farts!!

FOS Bobblehead Sports!

  B in T went to Ana’s 3-year-old birthday party a couple of weeks ago and heard some interesting conversations about exercising!!  CrossBow Fit was discussed by the yuppie moms and I eavesdropped and overheard a ladies description of this new exercise!! 
 Terms like cycling, ball crunching, and sit-ups with 100-pound free weights on your chest continued to be discussed!!  Not one sport of bow and arrows or crossbows were mentioned!!
  Good ole hunting season is how we get our exercise in Blackwell, Oklahoma!!  Yuppies are changing Papa’s world!!

AND!!  Kale Candy Canes!?!?!  Are You Shatting Me?!?!  Gag Me With a Smurf!!
FOS Bobbleheads!

  While little kids sports seems to be innocent, I truly believe that if kids were just allowed to get your neighbor buds together at a park and play football or baseball like in the 1970s life would be simpler!!  The involvement and mingling of parents have caused the games to be more competitive and less fun!!
  Kids need to be kids and not sports robots to fulfill our parents dreams of being a super jock!!  This was paid for by Trump for President 2024!!  .......wait no!
2nd Grade Sand Springs Gold 12 Jenks Maroon 6
The SS Gold team was well-coached and all their players called the referees ’sir’, picked up their penalty flags, retrieved their water, and returned the ball to the referees after each play!!  SS Gold players even cleaned and shined each referee’s ball!!  What a great group of little jocks!!

3rd Grade Pryor 20 at Verdigris 7
B, in T
The Pryor team is shooting for an undefeated season and have sights on the Bobblehead gold ball!!  Some of the Pryor gents have been promised SuperBowl tickets and a seat on the field for the halftime show with Jennifer Lopez and Shakira if they go undefeated!!  The moms shut that down quickly!!  Dang!!

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