Wednesday, August 23, 2023

College Football Week 0!

Who will sell more tickets at Chapman Stadium this YEAR!!??                                              1. OU Sooners vs


2. Owasso vs Bixby ‘Battle of the Burbs’ 

3.Motley Crew, Alice Cooper, & Def Leppard


OU vs TU — 30,300

Owasso vs Bixby — 24,400

Concert at Chapman with Motley Crew, Alice Cooper, & Def Leppard   —  27,500

The actual winners are the 1990 New Kids on the Block!!

In 1990 New Kids on the Block attended by Jordan and Lance of the B in T kids on the Block!!  August 28th, 1990 after TU blanked the Drake Bulldogs 36-0, the New Kids on the Block played in front of 32,750 rabid NKOTB fans!!  


You must have ‘The Right Stuff’ to read B in T!!  Hahaha haha!

Bryan in Tulsa



Bobblehead Family Sports:


According to Warninngs from 2 different B in T households the new Amazon indestructible dog toy similar to the toys used the ‘Bag of Glass’ skit on Saturday Night Live 50 years ago, is deadly!!


This recent dog toy purchase has bruised and broken numerous Pa Pa B in T toes and caused new cuss words to abound out of the mouths of old farts and babes!!  Our angelic home will never be the same!!Below is the cute supposedly soft Amazon gorilla in the teeth of Kodak!!


My family has lost 4 dog teeth, one child baby tooth, one adult molar, also 4 bruised and broken toes, and a black eye to Mi Mi B in T, after an errant puppy Kodak throw!!  (small indentation in wall, unknown to Mrs. B in T!) - SHHHH!


B in T Rants:


B in T College Football Picks:


B in T College Football Picks:

                    Coach V


USC 56 San Jose State 17

Two weak college games to hang around the local area Tulsa Power High School games!!  The Battle of the Burbs Owasso vs Bixby is projected to have a higher media share on ESPN Plus than USC vs San Jose State on ESPN 2!!!  True Shat!!  Thanks Hollywood Lincoln Riley for leaving town and those high TV ratings with u!!


Notre Dame 51 Navy 22

This game is played in Dublin, Ireland in front of 39,000 drunk 🍺 Irish pubsters!!  The demand for tickets for the 2023 Aer Lingus College Football Classic proves that Ireland is the home of college football outside of the United States,” said Padraic O’Kane, co-founder and director of the event!!  Sam Hartman a senior graduate from Wake Forest, took the helm of the Notre Dame ship and threw for 303  yards, 3 touchdowns and 3 happy hours at The Temple Bar Pub which is the most iconic drinking holes on the entire Emerald Isle!!!  It sits in the beating heart of its namesake district, the lively Temple Bar area, which is Dublin's nightlife hub!!  Oh, and the Irish kicked the Mid-Shipments butts in Dublin!!  The FOX sports radio crew of Jona Knox, Brady Quinn, and Lavar Arrington were held for over one day due to unknown contraband found in their pockets!!  It was simply Brady Quinn breath mints that caused the 24-hour delay!!  



B in T High School Picks:

Battle of the Burbs II Tulsa Chapman Stadium!

Bixby 49  Owasso 42

The Bixby Athletic Department asked the TU folks if they would allow the sideline dimensions to be widened 30 feet to allow for the 140 Bixby players, 250 - K-12 Spartan cheerleaders, and 200 Sideline passes for Bixby dignitaries!!  TU said no!!  Hell no!!  The Bixby offense was stymied somewhat by the Ram defensive scheme but another Bixby 5’10” 180 lb soph running back plows thru the Ram’s stud D in the fourth quarter for a 7-point win!!  High school ball in Oklahoma is BACK!!!!!!

B in T Mothers Booster Club Challenge:

Owasso .988 Bixby .916 

Mom Piggy Catching!!


Note:  the Rammette Moms wore their sons Owasso youth helmets for protection!!

According to baby piggy Moms IR, VEGAS - Rammette Moms were highly favored due to some injuries and pregnancies from the Bixby moms!!  The Bixby moms were accused of using foreign substances on their hands to have the piggies more grabbable!!  Nice try but the pine tar trick won't work in the Battle of the burbs!!

B in T Diner of the week-  

Talley’s -NO currently under TPD seizure!

Queenies - NO!  Too yuppyish, I once belched inside Queenies and was arrested by Tulsa SWAT, no shat!!

Finally, this week's Diner of the Week is Dilly Dilly Diner 402 East 2nd Street, this diner is known for making Tulsa the Jalapeno cheese grits capital of the USA!!  Dilly Dilly!!  Ha!!  The actual name of the restaurant is The Dilly Restaurant, just added the extra Dilly for Bud Light nostalgia!!  Love the 2017 Bud Light commercial!!


Blackwell 35 Cleveland 22

The Blackwell Maroons are considering changing their names to their new pro baseball Flycatchers!!   After defeating Cleveland in the home opener, the Blackwell School Board said don't mess with Blackwell Maroon logo and team name!!


Broken Arrow 48 Bentonville, Arkansas 44

The Broken Arrow Offensive line out-beefed and brauned Bentonville’s line with a goal-line stand to preserve a 4-point win!!  Big win for the 2022 5-7 Tigers!!


NOTE:   The Clysdale Busch Beer football game has nothing on the cow pigskin games in Oklahoma!!

Carl Albert 52 Coweta 37

CA transfer Kevin Sperry from Rockhill, Texas threw for 4 TDs (1 behind the back) on 21 for 28 passes!!  Look for Coweta to make the 5A Semis!!

Cascia Hall 48

Victory Christian 42 

The Cascia crowd dressed in his and her matching houndstooth coats in the Mid August 98-degree Oklahoma heat and humidity!!


The scenery is second to none in the state of Oklahoma for high school football!!  I have watched many games from my daughter's years at Cascia to sneaking a game or two a year prior to my stroke years!!  No place better to watch a football game in my humble opinion!!

Kelley 31 at Poteau 27

The Poteau Pirates welcome the Comets with open arms into the Pirate's home field as Kelley surprises the Pirates with a powerful ground game led by Senior Tyler McGinty with 167 yards rushing and 3 touchdowns!!  An upset road victory over the 4A nonconference rival Pirates!!

Choctaw 42  Del City  28

Choctaw is an unknown quantity for football and could be a blue-chip haven for college football recruiters in Oklahoma!!  Tulsa freshman Defensive lineman R L Jackson could se some playing time on the Tulsa squad this year!!  At 6’4” and 233 pounds, Jackson will be a strong edge player for Tulsa's defensive 4-2-5 and provide beef!!  Super Defensive mind coach Brad Clark is kicking some BUTT!!


Choctaw Nation has Risen!!

Lincoln Christian 32 Holland Hall 28

Lincoln Christian and Holland Hall will be in their own private school division in 2024-25!!  Interesting!

Jenks 66 Edmond Sante Fe 9

The Jenks Offensive line is slightly larger than the NFL’s New Orleans Saints line, Google It!  Dare ya?!  The Sante Fe lineman were made to attack mechanical bulls at OKC’s Cowboys dance bar and club in 3-point stances!!!


Union 54 at Westmore 13

Union's road trip to Westmore ended up with a flat tire and a stop at the Sherri’s Diner near Westmore High School!!  The rbacon is world-famous and the coffee is the best in Oklahoma!!

Sherri's is a great place to stop before the massacre the Redhawks give the Jaguars!!


Have a great sports week!

Bryan in Tulsa

by B in T - FakedOutSports, syndicated in

B, in T


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